Harry Potter
July 16, 2005
I pre-ordered so I could guarantee getting a book right off the bat, but then Amazon sent out what appeared to be a mass e-mail this week saying that they could not guarantee we would get the books on the release date! It only shipped this morning and they are predicting I'll get it on Tuesday. Seems to defeat the purpose of pre-ordering!
That sure is frustrating. In my experience, Amazon is usually pretty good about that sort of thing.
My wife was considering preordering from Amazon as well, but she picked it up from a bookstore this morning (and she's already 200+ pages into it!)
When I mentioned your post to her, she said, "that sounds like a shipment that will end up being a present for someone else."
Posted by: zalm | July 16, 2005 at 03:03 PM
when order of the phoenix came out, i ended up with 2 copies for similar reasons, and donated one to the library, as a memorial to a loved one. library was pleased.
so i guess i'll be done before all you amazon folk even get the book. this could be a big blow for amazon's reputation...
Posted by: nenana | July 16, 2005 at 07:11 PM
it really dawned on me this week in South Dakota how MUCH i miss you!!! i know you're doing fantastic and i am SO happy for you but i really do miss being around scott jones! let me know when you'll be back in dallas because matt and i both realized that we never did get to all go to neuhaus together. matt wanted to blame that on you but i think we'll both let it slide if we can do taht rain check. anyways miss you and hope things are goin well!!
Posted by: Ryan | July 16, 2005 at 10:16 PM
Hey Scott. I'm curious if you got the book? I also ordered mine on Amazon and got that email, but later found out it was a hoax. I received my copy yesterday afternoon and have been reading like a maniac. I'm torn between wanting to get through quickly so I know what's going on in the story, and wanting to slow down because I don't want it to end to soon! I'm such a freak! :-)
By the way, I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Friday. I loved it. I'm curious if you have seen it yet or had any desire to see it.
Posted by: Leslie | July 17, 2005 at 08:13 AM
Haven't seen it yet. Will sometime soon, I'm sure.
I too am torn between reading quickly and taking my time. The first is winning out. I'm reading this one quicker than any of the others, which may mean going back through it sooner.
Posted by: Scott Jones | July 17, 2005 at 12:58 PM
i started my reread saturday evening, a chapter at a time, maybe. no hurry this time, since i know how it ends!
Posted by: nenana | July 17, 2005 at 01:17 PM